{cancelled Due To Corona}
Opening Show:
Khayyam Allami
“…Kamilya Jubran and Werner Hasler’s Wameedd is the most challenging, creative, and dis-turbing. Hasler a Swiss composer and performer of electronic music, provides an eerie, subtle, and remarkably appropriate sound background for Jubran’s voice and ‘ud. Jubran’s ‘ud playing is mostly basic and spare, her repetitive lines and note-bending often bearing a family resem-blance to that of Mississippi delta blues guitarists. The focus here is less on melody than on emotion, feeling, and the words. “ RootsWorld
Musician, composer and one of the most revered figures for today’s younger generation of experimental and alternative Arabic music-scenes, Kamilya Jubran (text, oud & vocals, collaborates with long standing musical partner, composer, ac-complished trumpet player and seasoned electron-ic musician Werner Hasler (trumpet & electronics). In Wa (Arabic for and), their third album together In Wa (Arabic for and), their third album together as a duo, Kamilya Jubran and Werner Hasler continue to interrogate their listening and their expression, their research and their desires, to unravel a mu-sical universe of possibilities; “a unison of timbres, cultures complementing, the complicity of verses, and modes and languages confronting each other” in the duo’s own way of communicating respective origins and contemporaneity.
silent green Kulturproduktionen GmbH & Co. KG Gerichtstraße 35 13347 Berlin
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