Ticket Types:- 14th April in Gretchen, Live Shows & Club Night.

If you Can Afford It, Please Consider Buying a Support Others Ticket!
You will help others and donate for a greater cause!

Who?  Bedouin Burger | Ko Shin Moon | Cheb Runner | GLITTER55 | and more…

What? Live Shows & Club Night

Date? Fri 14th of April 2023

Where? Club Gretchen, Berlin.

Time? 21:00++

Please Note: Ticket Prices Might Rise! For example in cases of High Demand Scenarios. Secure Your Ticket Before!

Tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged. They can, however, be passed on to someone else in the event that you are unable to attend.
Sales are Final.

3 Ticket Types Offered (Scroll Down):-

1- Regular Ticket – 32Euro (31Euro + 1Euro Service Fee)
2- Support Others Ticket – 50++Euros
3- Doors – 35Euro

Consider Supporting Others! The Line Up Is Surely Worth It! All Surpluss of Support Tickets After Covering Costs Will Help Provide Admission to People in Economical Stress, in addition it will Help Us Provide Our Studio FREE of CHARGE to Berlin’s WANA Region Progressive Political Collectives.

1- Click Here For a Regular Ticket

1- Regular Ticket – 32Euro (31Euro + 1Euro Service Fee)

Save ±10% Instead Of 35Euro Doors

2- Click Here For a Support Others Ticket

2- Support Others Ticket – 50++Euros

Help Others Who Can’t Afford The Ticket, and Attribute to a More Sustainable Community!

Please Note: Tickets cannot be refunded or exchanged. They can, however, be passed on to someone else in the event that you are unable to attend. Sales are Final.

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