AL.Berlin Are Excited To Announce
AL.Festival.2021, our 2nd edition music festival for West Asia & North Africa Contemporary Music, Art and Culture in Berlin is to happen this year in the marvelous venue Festsaal Kreuzberg (IG: @festsaal_kreuzberg) with the generous help of Music Board Berlin (IG: @musicboardberlin) .
After the cancellation last year due to the global pandemic we are eager and persistent ✊ to provide you this year with a cultural program to look forward to in next autumn .
Artists are booked, venue is ready, dates are fixed! Workshops are in the making! And we are set and ready to launch
But of course no Coming Soon announcement is complete without some suspense
So … You know the deal
Follow Us, keep your self posted, and don’t miss any details from the following announcement on all exciting happenings and shows we will provide you with in the coming days and weeks!
See You Very Soon in the community warmth and pleasures of AL.Festival.2021
Meanwhile: Get Vaccinated! Stay Safe! And let’s progress together to bring the Live Music back in full power ✊ to our Lives!
More details in /AL\Cafe/Bar on Skalitzer 114!
Design by: (IG: @mariakassab_art )❤️
#musicfestival #musicfestivals #livemusic #magic #alfestival #alberlin #berlin #festsaal #festsaalkreuzberg #musicboardberlin #wana #westasia #northafrica #asia #africa #kreuzberg #kreuzberg36 #kreuzbergberlin #skalitzerstraße #musik #love #announcement #berlinmusic #artberlin #art #culture #liveshow #stage

AL.Festival.2021 Presents you with an avant-garde of the contemporary music scene of WANA (West Asia and North Africa) in its unique Berlin Experience. The Festival is a two nights celebration of some of the most artistically revolutionary acts of the region, some of whom have Berlin as a home, in a dancy/rhythmic themed musical festivity. This event is the Second Annual Edition of this happening, following AL.Festival.2019, and continues to underline the deeper current changes of recent years, in which Berlin is becoming a home and a base for this scene development Artistically, Socially, Culturally and Politically.