Keine Zeit Drone 3

🌘 Wednesday Night! 🌓
Keine Zeit Drone #3

We invite you to the third edition of Keine Zeit Drone, taking place once again at
the loft of AL Berlin. Eight artists, three live acts and a DJ set, to ensure a
contemplative and immersive evening. We provide some pillows on site but
encourage you to bring a mat, an extra pillow and whatever else you may need
for a comfortable journey.

Running order:
FISK & (o)dim (DJ set on the ground floor, from start to finish)
20:00 Henri Falk, Sidhartta Talukdar & Maria SG (field recordings, synthesizer,
live projected visuals)
21:00 Gina Lo & Mizuki Ishikawa (modular synthesizer, objects, electronics)
22:00 Pablo Diserens (field recordings, computer)
5-10 eur at the door

🛸🎶 @henrifalk
🛸🎶 @_sidhu_
🛸🎶 @dim_ba_
🛸🎶 @ginalololo
🛸🎶 @fun_k_son
🛸🎶 @pablodiserens
🛸🎶 @fiskounds

Come Have a Contemplative Sound Session! its Perfect to Ease Your Mind!

#alremise #alberlinmusic #alberlincafebar #AL #berlin #cafe #bar #weeklyplanner #weekend #weekly #program #tuesday #wednesday #thursday #fridaynight #saturday #sunday #kreuzberg36 #skalitzerstraße



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AL.Remise Cultural Program During October – December 2022 was Supported by: